


YARN: “Ecotone” by “Laines du Nord”: colour 37 - 3 balls x 100 grams
KNITTING NEEDLES: size 4.5 and 5
CROCKET-HOOK: size 4.5
OTHER: darning needle, 4 safety pins, scissors.


st = stitch
RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
k = knit
p = purl
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together
k tbl = knit through back loop






Tubular stitch (cast-on)
Stocking stitch
Rib 1/1: *k1, p1 *. rep from * to * until the end of row. Next row: work the stitches as they appear.
Back stitch (sewing with darning needle).



Using no. 5 knitting needles, cast-on 91 sts. and, for band shaping, work first 2 r. in tubular st., then continue as foll.: first and last 3 sts. of each r. in stocking st., the remaining sts. rib 1/1.

At 25 cm from lower edge, slip first and last 3 sts. onto 2 safety pins and leave them, then start the decreases.

Fort row with decreases (RS): k2tog, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, k2tog; 67 sts. rib 1/1; k2tog, p1, 1 k tbl, p1., 1 k tbl, p1, k2tog.

Back row (WS): p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, k1; rib 1/1 up to last 7 sts.; p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1.

Cont. as set above, rep. the decreases row every 2 r. twice more and every 4 r. 3 times more.

Between the decreases rows, work one back r. like above explained. After ending 7 r. with decreases and 7 back r., continue working 8 r. more.

Across the r. on RS, work on first and last 7 sts. (1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl) and on remaining sts. rib 1/1.

Across the r. on WS, work on first and last 7 sts. (p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1) and on remaining sts. rib 1/1 then, for neckline shaping, bind off 11 central sts. Continue working two pieces separately, decreasing every 2 r. (on RS) as follow: at first 4 sts., then 3 sts., 2 sts. and 1 st.; at last, there are 13 sts. Cont. working 10 r. more, then bind off 13 sts. for first shoulder belt shaping (45 cm total height). Repeat to complete the neckline and shape the second shoulder belt.


Using no. 5 knitting needles, work as given for front, without the neckline. After completing the decreases, continue working 27 r. When piece measures 45 cm, bind off all remaining sts.


On WS, sew the shoulder belts on corresponding stitches of back, joining the 2 panels.

Collar: using no. 4.5 knitting needles, cast-on 88 sts. and work 2 r. in tubular st., 7 r. rib 1/1 and 1 r. knit. At last, bind off all sts.

Armhole band (x 2): using no. 4.5 knitting needles, cast-on 80 sts. and work 2 r. in tubular st., 7 r. rib 1/1 and 1 r. knit. At last, bind off all sts. Work the second band like the first one.

Sewing in back stitch, join the collar around the neckline edge. Sew in back st. the first band around one armhole edge, pick-up the sts. you left on 2 safety pins and, using the darning needle, sew them at 2 ends of the band. Repeat to join the second band to its armhole.

Laces (2 x each armhole): using no. 4.5 crochet-hook, cast-on 90 ch, close and tie off the thread leaving a long tile (use it to sew). Use the tiles to sew the ends of each lace at 2 ends of each armhole band to tie them under the armpits.




YARN: “Ecotone” by “Laines du Nord”: colour 37 - 3 balls x 100 grams
KNITTING NEEDLES: size 4.5 and 5
CROCKET-HOOK: size 4.5
OTHER: darning needle, 4 safety pins, scissors.


st = stitch
RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
k = knit
p = purl
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together
k tbl = knit through back loop






Tubular stitch (cast-on)
Stocking stitch
Rib 1/1: *k1, p1 *. rep from * to * until the end of row. Next row: work the stitches as they appear.
Back stitch (sewing with darning needle).



Using no. 5 knitting needles, cast-on 91 sts. and, for band shaping, work first 2 r. in tubular st., then continue as foll.: first and last 3 sts. of each r. in stocking st., the remaining sts. rib 1/1.

At 25 cm from lower edge, slip first and last 3 sts. onto 2 safety pins and leave them, then start the decreases.

Fort row with decreases (RS): k2tog, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, k2tog; 67 sts. rib 1/1; k2tog, p1, 1 k tbl, p1., 1 k tbl, p1, k2tog.

Back row (WS): p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, k1; rib 1/1 up to last 7 sts.; p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1.

Cont. as set above, rep. the decreases row every 2 r. twice more and every 4 r. 3 times more.

Between the decreases rows, work one back r. like above explained. After ending 7 r. with decreases and 7 back r., continue working 8 r. more.

Across the r. on RS, work on first and last 7 sts. (1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl) and on remaining sts. rib 1/1.

Across the r. on WS, work on first and last 7 sts. (p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1, 1 k tbl, p1) and on remaining sts. rib 1/1 then, for neckline shaping, bind off 11 central sts. Continue working two pieces separately, decreasing every 2 r. (on RS) as follow: at first 4 sts., then 3 sts., 2 sts. and 1 st.; at last, there are 13 sts. Cont. working 10 r. more, then bind off 13 sts. for first shoulder belt shaping (45 cm total height). Repeat to complete the neckline and shape the second shoulder belt.


Using no. 5 knitting needles, work as given for front, without the neckline. After completing the decreases, continue working 27 r. When piece measures 45 cm, bind off all remaining sts.


On WS, sew the shoulder belts on corresponding stitches of back, joining the 2 panels.

Collar: using no. 4.5 knitting needles, cast-on 88 sts. and work 2 r. in tubular st., 7 r. rib 1/1 and 1 r. knit. At last, bind off all sts.

Armhole band (x 2): using no. 4.5 knitting needles, cast-on 80 sts. and work 2 r. in tubular st., 7 r. rib 1/1 and 1 r. knit. At last, bind off all sts. Work the second band like the first one.

Sewing in back stitch, join the collar around the neckline edge. Sew in back st. the first band around one armhole edge, pick-up the sts. you left on 2 safety pins and, using the darning needle, sew them at 2 ends of the band. Repeat to join the second band to its armhole.

Laces (2 x each armhole): using no. 4.5 crochet-hook, cast-on 90 ch, close and tie off the thread leaving a long tile (use it to sew). Use the tiles to sew the ends of each lace at 2 ends of each armhole band to tie them under the armpits.
