Yarn: Merino Yak col. 1 gr 250 - col 2 gr 50- col 3 gr 50- col 4 gr 50.
Needles: n.5 ½.
10 × 10 = 17 m x 24 f.
m = stitch (e);
MP = point mark;
pMP = pass MP
LD = right side of the work
LR = wrong side of the piece
dr = straight;
r = reverse;
viv = edge;
2ins = 2 sts together knit
3ins = 3 sts together knit
acc = simple overlap: slip a stitch without knitting it, 1 dr, overlap the passed stitch over that worked.
get = one toss
rip ** =
repeat from * to *
TG 42/44 For one size up or down, increase or decrease 2 cm in width and 1 cm in height.
BACK A: With 5 ½ rows 1, cast on 32m work in garter for 44 cm, for the armhole bind off 3m and 1m after 2 rows in total 62 cm.
FRONT OF: Same procedure as back, decreases for armhole are done in mirror. at 57 cm total, for the neckline, decrease 5m and 1m every 2f 4 times within 2m. intertwine.
SLEEVE A: With col.1 start 34m work in garter stitch increasing at the sides 1m every 12 rows 2 times every 10 rows 5 times every 8 rows 2 times every 6 rows 3 times every 4 rows 2 times. for the armhole weave 4m, 2m, 1m every 2 rows 5 times 1m every 4 rows 4 times 1m every 2 rows 4 times, 2m, 3m, close the remaining stitches.
PART B: It is worked in one piece, starting from the sleeve, following the processing of sleeve A, up to the armhole, suspend the stitches. Cast on with col.1 68m, pick up the stitches from the sleeve and cast on another 68m work in garter st for 14 rows. Continue with col 2 for 18f.
With col 3 work for 18f but:
on the eighth row continue separately then work 96m to the right for the back completing the 18 rows of col 3 and 18 rows of col 4 weave the stitches.
On the left of the work, work the neckline close 4m 2m every 2 rows 4 times then work with 4 the last 18 rows to close the stitches.
PACKAGING: join parts A and B, close the shoulder of part A and attach the sleeve. Close the underarms and sides leaving 24 cm of opening (slit).
Yarn: Merino Yak col. 1 gr 250 - col 2 gr 50- col 3 gr 50- col 4 gr 50.
Needles: n.5 ½.
10 × 10 = 17 m x 24 f.
m = stitch (e);
MP = point mark;
pMP = pass MP
LD = right side of the work
LR = wrong side of the piece
dr = straight;
r = reverse;
viv = edge;
2ins = 2 sts together knit
3ins = 3 sts together knit
acc = simple overlap: slip a stitch without knitting it, 1 dr, overlap the passed stitch over that worked.
get = one toss
rip ** =
repeat from * to *
TG 42/44 For one size up or down, increase or decrease 2 cm in width and 1 cm in height.
BACK A: With 5 ½ rows 1, cast on 32m work in garter for 44 cm, for the armhole bind off 3m and 1m after 2 rows in total 62 cm.
FRONT OF: Same procedure as back, decreases for armhole are done in mirror. at 57 cm total, for the neckline, decrease 5m and 1m every 2f 4 times within 2m. intertwine.
SLEEVE A: With col.1 start 34m work in garter stitch increasing at the sides 1m every 12 rows 2 times every 10 rows 5 times every 8 rows 2 times every 6 rows 3 times every 4 rows 2 times. for the armhole weave 4m, 2m, 1m every 2 rows 5 times 1m every 4 rows 4 times 1m every 2 rows 4 times, 2m, 3m, close the remaining stitches.
PART B: It is worked in one piece, starting from the sleeve, following the processing of sleeve A, up to the armhole, suspend the stitches. Cast on with col.1 68m, pick up the stitches from the sleeve and cast on another 68m work in garter st for 14 rows. Continue with col 2 for 18f.
With col 3 work for 18f but:
on the eighth row continue separately then work 96m to the right for the back completing the 18 rows of col 3 and 18 rows of col 4 weave the stitches.
On the left of the work, work the neckline close 4m 2m every 2 rows 4 times then work with 4 the last 18 rows to close the stitches.
PACKAGING: join parts A and B, close the shoulder of part A and attach the sleeve. Close the underarms and sides leaving 24 cm of opening (slit).