


Yarn: Matera Laines du Nord (100% merino wool - 50 gr, 160 mt):

Photo: 1 ball in withe (cod. 1), 1 ball in red (cod. 8)

2 circular needles with 3,50 mm points, or double pointed needles set (DPN) 3,50 mm;

Crochet hook Filling



K: Knit
P: Purl
Inc: Increase
Dc: Decrease


LEVEL: medium

With this patter you can realize a Christmas Ball in stockinette stitch. The stranded chart design is made to work within this basic model.

Pay attention that this pattern is only 1/4 of ball. If you use circular needles we suggest to place a stitch-marker in half stitches in both needle, and repeat the chart twice every needle. If you use DPN set, knit the chart every needle.

Row 1 is the cast on and last row is the cast off row.


INSTRUCTION (in one color stockinette):

ROW 1: Cast on 12 sts, and divide in 4 DPN (or other technique)

ROW 2: 12K
ROW 3: (2K, Inc, 1K) X4 times

ROW 4: 16K
ROW 5: (1K, Inc, 2K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 6: 24K
ROW 7: (1K, Inc, 4K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 8: 32K
ROW 9: (1K, Inc, 6K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 10: 40K
ROW 11: (1K, Inc, 8K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 12: 48K
ROW 13: (1K, Inc, 10DK, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 14: 56K
ROW 15: (1K, Inc, 12K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROWS 16- 27: 64K
ROW 28: (1K, Dc, 10K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 29: 56K
ROW 30: (1K, Dc, 8K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 31: 48K
ROW 32: (1K, Dc, 6K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 33: 40K
ROW 34: (1K, Dc, 4K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 35: 32K
ROW 36: (1K, Dc, 2Kr, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 37: 24K
ROW 38: (1K, Dc, Dc 1K) x4 times

ROW 39: 16K
ROW 40: (1K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 41: End knitting, cut yarn leaving a long tail. With wool needle pass the tail through the last 12 sts.

Insert the filling inside of ball and pull tight the tail.

With crochet hook, make 30 chain and make a ring.

Weave the tail

CHRISTMAS BALL (in strended technique)

Knit the chart using stranded technique.




Yarn: Matera Laines du Nord (100% merino wool - 50 gr, 160 mt):

Photo: 1 ball in withe (cod. 1), 1 ball in red (cod. 8)

2 circular needles with 3,50 mm points, or double pointed needles set (DPN) 3,50 mm;

Crochet hook Filling



K: Knit
P: Purl
Inc: Increase
Dc: Decrease


LEVEL: medium

With this patter you can realize a Christmas Ball in stockinette stitch. The stranded chart design is made to work within this basic model.

Pay attention that this pattern is only 1/4 of ball. If you use circular needles we suggest to place a stitch-marker in half stitches in both needle, and repeat the chart twice every needle. If you use DPN set, knit the chart every needle.

Row 1 is the cast on and last row is the cast off row.


INSTRUCTION (in one color stockinette):

ROW 1: Cast on 12 sts, and divide in 4 DPN (or other technique)

ROW 2: 12K
ROW 3: (2K, Inc, 1K) X4 times

ROW 4: 16K
ROW 5: (1K, Inc, 2K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 6: 24K
ROW 7: (1K, Inc, 4K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 8: 32K
ROW 9: (1K, Inc, 6K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 10: 40K
ROW 11: (1K, Inc, 8K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 12: 48K
ROW 13: (1K, Inc, 10DK, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 14: 56K
ROW 15: (1K, Inc, 12K, Inc, 1K) x4 times

ROWS 16- 27: 64K
ROW 28: (1K, Dc, 10K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 29: 56K
ROW 30: (1K, Dc, 8K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 31: 48K
ROW 32: (1K, Dc, 6K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 33: 40K
ROW 34: (1K, Dc, 4K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 35: 32K
ROW 36: (1K, Dc, 2Kr, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 37: 24K
ROW 38: (1K, Dc, Dc 1K) x4 times

ROW 39: 16K
ROW 40: (1K, Dc, 1K) x4 times

ROW 41: End knitting, cut yarn leaving a long tail. With wool needle pass the tail through the last 12 sts.

Insert the filling inside of ball and pull tight the tail.

With crochet hook, make 30 chain and make a ring.

Weave the tail

CHRISTMAS BALL (in strended technique)

Knit the chart using stranded technique.
