YARN = Natural Bag by Laines du Nord: 1 skein of 100 grams for each colour: col. 13 powder pink, col. 8 fuchsia, col. 14 pink
OTHERS = darning needle with silicone eye, scissors, pins, marker.



The bag consists of 2 rectangular panels joined in zig-zag stitch and of 2 handles joined with decorative seam.

Chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, treble crochet.

RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
M = marker
PM = place marker
st. / sts. = stitch / stitches
ch = chain stitch
col. = colour
sc = single crochet
dc = double crochet
tr = treble crochet
rep. = repeat
foll. = follow / following



Using powder pink yarn, cast-on 18 ch.

1st round: 1 tr in 4th ch from hook (3 skipped ch cover for 1st tr), 1 tr in each of 13 next ch, (2 tr, 2 ch, 2 tr, 2 ch, 2 tr) in last ch, turn and continue on the side opposite to the base ch and work 1 tr in each of 13 next ch, (2 tr, 2 ch, 2 tr) into the same base ch of 1st tr of the round; close with 1 ch and 1 dc in 3rd beg. ch. [38 tr included the 3 beg. ch, 4 corner-spaces consisting of 2 ch]

2nd round: 3 ch (cover for 1st tr, also in next round) in 1st corner-space, 1 tr into the same space, * 1 tr in each st. until the next corner-space consisting of 2 ch, (2 tr, 2 ch, 2 tr) into the corner-space *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, excluding last 2 ch and last 2 tr in end repetition; close working 1 ch and 1 dc in 3rd beg. ch.

Rep. the 2nd round and follow the diagram until you have completed the 9th round, then work 2 rounds in dc like shown.

At the end of 11th round, turn and continue working in rows into the sts. of 1st short side, of foll. long side and of 2nd short side of the panel.

Sides and base of the bag

12th row: 3 ch, 1 FPtr in each tr along 3 sides, (1 tr, 1 ch, 1 tr) in each of 2 lower corners of the panel, turn.

13th row: 3 ch, 1 BPtr in each tr along 3 sides, 1 ch in each of 2 lower corners.

Cut and tie off the yarn, leaving tail of 15 cm approx., then, using the darning needle, hide it inside the sts. on WS.


Using fuchsia yarn, cast-on 18 ch and work as given for 1st panel, until the end of 11th round. Across the working, alternate the colours as foll.: from 1st to 8th round use fuchsia yarn, from 9th to 11th round use powder pink yarn. At last, cut and tie off the yarn, then using the darning needle, hide the ends inside the fabric, on WS.


Place one panel on the other one (WS against WS) and PM into 4 corner-spaces, consisting of 1 ch, of both panels, fixing them, then using the crochet-hook and pink yarn, join the edges of 2 short sides and of lower long side, in p. zig-zag stitch:

using the pink yarn work 1 ch in top corner-space of 1st M of both panels, (1 sc in next st. of 1st panel, 1 sc in next st. of 2nd panel) rep. until you have joined the 1st short side, the lower long side and the 2nd short side until the top corner of both panels where you have placed the 4th M, then end with 1 sc into both corner sts.; you have joined the whole bag.

Handles (x 2)

Using pink yarn, cast-on 42 ch.

1st round: 1 dc in 3rd ch from hook (1st skipped ch = 1st st.), 1 dc in each of next 39 ch, 3 dc in next ch, turn and continue the side opposite the base ch di base and work, 1 dc in each of next 39 ch, 2 dc in 1st of 2 beg. ch (beg. from bottom); close with 1 sc in beg. ch.

2nd round: 1 ch (= 1st st.), 1 dc in the same base ch, 1 dc in each of 39 next dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in each of next 39 dc, 2 dc in next st., 1 dc in last st.; 1 sc in beg. ch.

Cut and tie off the thread, then hide the ends inside the fabric.

Using the darning needle and fuchsia yarn, work a decorative X joining the ends of 2 handles along 2 top bands of the bag (front and back) like shown by the picture, placing each end approx. 10 cm from right side edge and 10 cm from left side edge.

If you want, you can line your bag.