


FILATO = “Baby Soft” by Laines du Nord; 3 balls of each col.: grey 505, violet 146, blue avio 148, lime green 25, aqua green 147.
CROCHET-HOOK = size 3.5
OTHERS = darning needle, pins, marker, scissors, tape measure, 2 buttons (optional)


RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
M = marker
r. = round
st. / sts. = stitch / stitches
r. = row / rows
col. = colour
tog. = together
rep. = repeat
foll. = follow / following
cont. = continue


SKILL LEVEL: Experienced


SIZE: 40/42



Chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, half treble crochet, treble crochet, double treble crochet, triple treble crochet

Composite stitch: yo 4 times, insert the hook in one st./space of one wheel motif, yo and pull one loop, (yo and pull it through 2 loops on crochet-hook) twice (there are 4 loops on crochet-hook), yo twice and insert the hook in one st./space of next wheel motif (diagram 1), yo and pull one loop (yo and pull it through 2 loops on crochet-hook) 6 times (there is 1 loop on crochet-hook), 5 ch., 1 tr in the centre of composite st., 5 ch., 1 d-tr in the centre of composite st.

Upside down Y stitch: yo twice, * insert the hook in one st./space of one wheel motif, yo and pull one loop, yo and pull it through 2 loops on crochet-hook, yo and * rep. from * to * in one st./space of next wheel motif once more (diagram 2), (yo and pull it through 2 sts. on crochet-hook) 3 times.


Garter stitch: knit.


Work 2 fronts and back of cardigan in a single piece, beg. from armholes, then cont. working 2 fronts and back separately. At last, work the sleeves, beg. from armholes.


Using grey col. yarn, cast-on 171 ch 3 turning ch.

Following the diagram 1 alternate the colours and shape the pieces like below.

1st round: grey col.

2nd e 3rd round: violet col.

4th round: aqua green col.

5th round: lime green col.

6th round: blue avio col.

7th round: grey col.

At the end of 7th round, leave working. Using aqua green col., work 10 wheel-motifs and 1 semi-wheel motif (for both sides); at fist work the semi-wheel motif B1, then 10 wheel-motifs (beg. from 2nd one), across last round, join the second wheel to first one working 1 sc like shown by the diagram 1, at last work with 2nd semi-wheel motif.

After working the wheels band, do not cut the yarn and cont. working the 7th joining round. Distribute the wheels band along 7th round, alternating joining-dc and 3 or more sts. (if needed).

At last, work on opposite side of band like shown by the diagram 1, alternating the colours as foll.:

8th and 9th round: aqua green col.

10th round: lime green col.

11th round: blue avio col.

Dal 12th al 14th round: grey col.

15th round: violet col.

16th e 17th round: aqua green col.

18th round: lime green col.

Dal 19th al 21st round: blue avio col.

22nd round: grey col.

Dal 23rd al 25th round: col. violet.

26th round: aqua green col.

27th round: lime green col.

28th round: blue avio col.

29th and 30th round: grey col.

For 2 fronts and back shaping, work 3 pieces separately: 11 arches of 5 ch for front, left 2 arches for 1st armhole, 24 arches for back, left 2 arches for 2nd armhole, 11 arches for front. Then continue alternating the colours as foll:

31st and 32nd round: violet col.

33rd round: aqua green col.

34th and 35th round: lime green col.

36th round: blue avio col.

37th round: grey col.

38th round: violet col.

39th e 40th round: aqua green col.

41st round: lime green col.

42nd round: blue avio col.

43rd round: grey col.

44th round: violet col.

On WS, sew edges of both shoulders (front and back)


For working of the rounds, position of the stitches and decreases, refer to diagram 2, whereas for succession of colours and number of stitches or groups, refer to foll. instruction.

1st round: using lime green yarn and beg. from lower centre of armhole (armpit), distribute, around the edge of armhole, 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 dc.

2nd round: using same col., work 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 dc.

3rd round: using aqua green, work 22 groups of 3 tr.

4th round: using violet yarn and decr. 1 st. according to diagram 2, work 21 groups of 3 tr, at all.

5th round: using grey yarn, work 21 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

6th round: using blue avio yarn, work 42 tr, spaced by 42 spaces of 1 ch.

7th round: using same col., work 14 groups [= (3 d-tr tog., 3 ch, 1 dc, 3 ch, 3 d-tr tog.) in 1-ch-space, skip 2 spaces of 1 ch].

8th round: using same col., work 14 groups of [(3 tr tog., 3 ch., 3 tr tog.) in the space between 2 groups of r. below]

9th round: using same col., work 28 tr spaced by 28 spaces of 1 ch.

10th round: using lime green yarn, work 28 groups of 3 tr.

11th round: using aqua green yarn and decr. 2 sts. according to the diagram, work 26 tr spaced by 26 spaces of 2 ch.

12th round: using violet yarn, work 26 groups of 3 tr tog. spaced by 26 spaces of 1 ch.

13th round: using grey yarn, rep. 11th round.

14th and 15th round: using blue avio, work 26 arches of 5 ch, spaced by 26 dc.

16th round: using lime green, work 26 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

17th round: using aqua green, work like 15th round.

18th round: using violet yarn and decr. 2 sts. according to the diagram 2, work 24 tr spaced by 24 spaces of 2 ch.

19th round: using same colour, work 12 groups of (1 tr, 1 ch, 1 tr, 1 ch, 1 tr) spaced by 12 dc.

20th round: using same colour, work 12 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 dc, 2 ch).

21st round: using grey col., work 24 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr)

22nd round: using blue avio col., work 12 groups of (2 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) spaced by 12 tr.

23rd round: using lime green yarn, work 24 tr spaced by 24 spaces of 2 ch.

Leave the working and using blue avio col., make 4 small wheels always foll. the diagram. After working the 2nd wheel, join it to the first one, in 1 sc.

After joining 4 wheels, join blue avio yarn at point A1 and, for band shaping, work 2 rounds like shown by the diagram and, across 2nd round of band, join at 23rd round.

At last, join blue avio yarn at point B1 and work along top band of wheels.

24th round: using same col., work 4 arches of 5 ch. on each wheel and 1 arch of 3 ch. among every wheel.

25th round: using same col. and making 2 decr., work 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 sts. like shown by the diagram. (25th round is the half of round, so repeat same working on the other half)

26th round: using same col., work 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 dc.

27th round: using grey yarn, make 2 decr. where shown by the diagram 2, work 22 groups of 3 tr at all.

28th round: using blue avio yarn, work 22 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

29th round: using lime green yarn, make 2 decr. where shown by the diagram 2, work 20 groups of 3 tr, at all.

30th round: using violet yarn, work 20 arches of 5 ch spaced by 20 dc.

31st round: using same col., work 20 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

32nd round: work like 30th round.

33rd round: using grey yarn make 2 decr. where shown by the diagram 2, work 18 groups of 3 tr, at all.

34th round: give the finishing touch to the sleeve, working 1 dc in each st. of the round.

Work second sleeve as given for first one.


Using grey col. and circular needles, pick-up the needed sts. along right front edge, back neckline and left front, then work 6 r. in garter st. and at last bind off all sts.

If you like, shape 2 buttonholes on right front and sew 2 buttons on left band opposite the buttonholes.

Using grey col., work 1 row in dc along the lower edge of the cardigan.

Hide the ends inside the fabric.




FILATO = “Baby Soft” by Laines du Nord; 3 balls of each col.: grey 505, violet 146, blue avio 148, lime green 25, aqua green 147.
CROCHET-HOOK = size 3.5
OTHERS = darning needle, pins, marker, scissors, tape measure, 2 buttons (optional)


RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
M = marker
r. = round
st. / sts. = stitch / stitches
r. = row / rows
col. = colour
tog. = together
rep. = repeat
foll. = follow / following
cont. = continue


SKILL LEVEL: Experienced


SIZE: 40/42



Chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, half treble crochet, treble crochet, double treble crochet, triple treble crochet

Composite stitch: yo 4 times, insert the hook in one st./space of one wheel motif, yo and pull one loop, (yo and pull it through 2 loops on crochet-hook) twice (there are 4 loops on crochet-hook), yo twice and insert the hook in one st./space of next wheel motif (diagram 1), yo and pull one loop (yo and pull it through 2 loops on crochet-hook) 6 times (there is 1 loop on crochet-hook), 5 ch., 1 tr in the centre of composite st., 5 ch., 1 d-tr in the centre of composite st.

Upside down Y stitch: yo twice, * insert the hook in one st./space of one wheel motif, yo and pull one loop, yo and pull it through 2 loops on crochet-hook, yo and * rep. from * to * in one st./space of next wheel motif once more (diagram 2), (yo and pull it through 2 sts. on crochet-hook) 3 times.


Garter stitch: knit.


Work 2 fronts and back of cardigan in a single piece, beg. from armholes, then cont. working 2 fronts and back separately. At last, work the sleeves, beg. from armholes.


Using grey col. yarn, cast-on 171 ch 3 turning ch.

Following the diagram 1 alternate the colours and shape the pieces like below.

1st round: grey col.

2nd e 3rd round: violet col.

4th round: aqua green col.

5th round: lime green col.

6th round: blue avio col.

7th round: grey col.

At the end of 7th round, leave working. Using aqua green col., work 10 wheel-motifs and 1 semi-wheel motif (for both sides); at fist work the semi-wheel motif B1, then 10 wheel-motifs (beg. from 2nd one), across last round, join the second wheel to first one working 1 sc like shown by the diagram 1, at last work with 2nd semi-wheel motif.

After working the wheels band, do not cut the yarn and cont. working the 7th joining round. Distribute the wheels band along 7th round, alternating joining-dc and 3 or more sts. (if needed).

At last, work on opposite side of band like shown by the diagram 1, alternating the colours as foll.:

8th and 9th round: aqua green col.

10th round: lime green col.

11th round: blue avio col.

Dal 12th al 14th round: grey col.

15th round: violet col.

16th e 17th round: aqua green col.

18th round: lime green col.

Dal 19th al 21st round: blue avio col.

22nd round: grey col.

Dal 23rd al 25th round: col. violet.

26th round: aqua green col.

27th round: lime green col.

28th round: blue avio col.

29th and 30th round: grey col.

For 2 fronts and back shaping, work 3 pieces separately: 11 arches of 5 ch for front, left 2 arches for 1st armhole, 24 arches for back, left 2 arches for 2nd armhole, 11 arches for front. Then continue alternating the colours as foll:

31st and 32nd round: violet col.

33rd round: aqua green col.

34th and 35th round: lime green col.

36th round: blue avio col.

37th round: grey col.

38th round: violet col.

39th e 40th round: aqua green col.

41st round: lime green col.

42nd round: blue avio col.

43rd round: grey col.

44th round: violet col.

On WS, sew edges of both shoulders (front and back)


For working of the rounds, position of the stitches and decreases, refer to diagram 2, whereas for succession of colours and number of stitches or groups, refer to foll. instruction.

1st round: using lime green yarn and beg. from lower centre of armhole (armpit), distribute, around the edge of armhole, 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 dc.

2nd round: using same col., work 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 dc.

3rd round: using aqua green, work 22 groups of 3 tr.

4th round: using violet yarn and decr. 1 st. according to diagram 2, work 21 groups of 3 tr, at all.

5th round: using grey yarn, work 21 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

6th round: using blue avio yarn, work 42 tr, spaced by 42 spaces of 1 ch.

7th round: using same col., work 14 groups [= (3 d-tr tog., 3 ch, 1 dc, 3 ch, 3 d-tr tog.) in 1-ch-space, skip 2 spaces of 1 ch].

8th round: using same col., work 14 groups of [(3 tr tog., 3 ch., 3 tr tog.) in the space between 2 groups of r. below]

9th round: using same col., work 28 tr spaced by 28 spaces of 1 ch.

10th round: using lime green yarn, work 28 groups of 3 tr.

11th round: using aqua green yarn and decr. 2 sts. according to the diagram, work 26 tr spaced by 26 spaces of 2 ch.

12th round: using violet yarn, work 26 groups of 3 tr tog. spaced by 26 spaces of 1 ch.

13th round: using grey yarn, rep. 11th round.

14th and 15th round: using blue avio, work 26 arches of 5 ch, spaced by 26 dc.

16th round: using lime green, work 26 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

17th round: using aqua green, work like 15th round.

18th round: using violet yarn and decr. 2 sts. according to the diagram 2, work 24 tr spaced by 24 spaces of 2 ch.

19th round: using same colour, work 12 groups of (1 tr, 1 ch, 1 tr, 1 ch, 1 tr) spaced by 12 dc.

20th round: using same colour, work 12 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 dc, 2 ch).

21st round: using grey col., work 24 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr)

22nd round: using blue avio col., work 12 groups of (2 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) spaced by 12 tr.

23rd round: using lime green yarn, work 24 tr spaced by 24 spaces of 2 ch.

Leave the working and using blue avio col., make 4 small wheels always foll. the diagram. After working the 2nd wheel, join it to the first one, in 1 sc.

After joining 4 wheels, join blue avio yarn at point A1 and, for band shaping, work 2 rounds like shown by the diagram and, across 2nd round of band, join at 23rd round.

At last, join blue avio yarn at point B1 and work along top band of wheels.

24th round: using same col., work 4 arches of 5 ch. on each wheel and 1 arch of 3 ch. among every wheel.

25th round: using same col. and making 2 decr., work 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 sts. like shown by the diagram. (25th round is the half of round, so repeat same working on the other half)

26th round: using same col., work 22 arches of 5 ch spaced by 22 dc.

27th round: using grey yarn, make 2 decr. where shown by the diagram 2, work 22 groups of 3 tr at all.

28th round: using blue avio yarn, work 22 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

29th round: using lime green yarn, make 2 decr. where shown by the diagram 2, work 20 groups of 3 tr, at all.

30th round: using violet yarn, work 20 arches of 5 ch spaced by 20 dc.

31st round: using same col., work 20 groups of (1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr).

32nd round: work like 30th round.

33rd round: using grey yarn make 2 decr. where shown by the diagram 2, work 18 groups of 3 tr, at all.

34th round: give the finishing touch to the sleeve, working 1 dc in each st. of the round.

Work second sleeve as given for first one.


Using grey col. and circular needles, pick-up the needed sts. along right front edge, back neckline and left front, then work 6 r. in garter st. and at last bind off all sts.

If you like, shape 2 buttonholes on right front and sew 2 buttons on left band opposite the buttonholes.

Using grey col., work 1 row in dc along the lower edge of the cardigan.

Hide the ends inside the fabric.
