Yarn: "DOLLY" - COLOR: 205 - GRAMS: 200, COLOR: 209 - GRAMS: 200, COLOR: 210 - GRAMS: 250
Irons: n ° 4, n ° 5
Buttons: 2
10 × 10
m = stitch (e);
MP = point mark;
pMP = pass MP
LD = right side of the work
LR = wrong side of the piece
dr = straight;
r = reverse;
viv = edge;
2ins = 2 sts together knit
3ins = 3 sts together knit
acc = simple overlap: slip a stitch without knitting it, 1 dr, overlap the passed stitch over that worked.
get = one toss
rip ** =
repeat from * to *
Stockinette stitch
AJOUR = * 3 dir. 1 geit, 2 ins. to dir., 3 dir., 1 geit., 2 ins. right *
BACK: With sheet 4, color 205, adv. m. 100, work. 4 cm the coast 1/1
Continued with f.5 to m. shaved for 8 cm. With color 209 lav. 1 f. ajour and cm. 20 to m. shaved, with color 210 lav. 1 f. ajour and cm 15 to m. shaved, with color 205 lav. 1 f. ajour and 8 cm to m. shaved, with color 209 lav. 1 f. ajour and cm 7 to m. shaved. With color 210 lav. 1 f. ajour and 8 cm in stockinette stitch.
Contemporary at 52 cm for the armhole dimin. within 3 m., 1 m. every 2 rows 3 times and 1 st. every 4 rows for 2 times.
FRONT: Same procedure. and sequence like back, working 8 sts. rib 1/1 at the beginning of the iron.
Work another mirror cloth.
SLEEVE: With f.4, color 205, adv. m. 60 and lav. rib 1/1 for 2 rows. Continue with color 209 for cm 12. Color 210 for cm 16. Color 205 for cm 8. Color 209 for cm 7 and color 210 for cm 6. Contempor. after 2 rows in rib 1/1 of the beginning, dim. 1 m. on each side every 2 rows. 5 times and inc 1 st. on each side every 6 rows. for 8 times. So for the armhole dimin. within 3 m., 1 m. on each side every 2 rows. 5 times and 1 st. every 4 rows for 6 times.
Join the shoulders. Fit the sleeves and close the hips at the end of the dav. right, make a flying buttonhole and at a distance of 16 cm make the second buttonhole. Apply buttons.
Yarn: "DOLLY" - COLOR: 205 - GRAMS: 200, COLOR: 209 - GRAMS: 200, COLOR: 210 - GRAMS: 250
Irons: n ° 4, n ° 5
Buttons: 2
10 × 10
m = stitch (e);
MP = point mark;
pMP = pass MP
LD = right side of the work
LR = wrong side of the piece
dr = straight;
r = reverse;
viv = edge;
2ins = 2 sts together knit
3ins = 3 sts together knit
acc = simple overlap: slip a stitch without knitting it, 1 dr, overlap the passed stitch over that worked.
get = one toss
rip ** =
repeat from * to *
Stockinette stitch
AJOUR = * 3 dir. 1 geit, 2 ins. to dir., 3 dir., 1 geit., 2 ins. right *
BACK: With sheet 4, color 205, adv. m. 100, work. 4 cm the coast 1/1
Continued with f.5 to m. shaved for 8 cm. With color 209 lav. 1 f. ajour and cm. 20 to m. shaved, with color 210 lav. 1 f. ajour and cm 15 to m. shaved, with color 205 lav. 1 f. ajour and 8 cm to m. shaved, with color 209 lav. 1 f. ajour and cm 7 to m. shaved. With color 210 lav. 1 f. ajour and 8 cm in stockinette stitch.
Contemporary at 52 cm for the armhole dimin. within 3 m., 1 m. every 2 rows 3 times and 1 st. every 4 rows for 2 times.
FRONT: Same procedure. and sequence like back, working 8 sts. rib 1/1 at the beginning of the iron.
Work another mirror cloth.
SLEEVE: With f.4, color 205, adv. m. 60 and lav. rib 1/1 for 2 rows. Continue with color 209 for cm 12. Color 210 for cm 16. Color 205 for cm 8. Color 209 for cm 7 and color 210 for cm 6. Contempor. after 2 rows in rib 1/1 of the beginning, dim. 1 m. on each side every 2 rows. 5 times and inc 1 st. on each side every 6 rows. for 8 times. So for the armhole dimin. within 3 m., 1 m. on each side every 2 rows. 5 times and 1 st. every 4 rows for 6 times.
Join the shoulders. Fit the sleeves and close the hips at the end of the dav. right, make a flying buttonhole and at a distance of 16 cm make the second buttonhole. Apply buttons.