YARN = 9 (10-11) balls of beige col. (cod. 2); 2 (3-3) balls of col. grey (cod. 10) SILKY WOOL by LAINES DU NORD
CIRCULAR NEEDLES = 5 mm and 5.5 mm points; 100 cm and 80 cm cable
OTHERS = darning needle, stitch marker, pins, scissors, tape measure, 4 buttons.
Using the circular needles, work the cardigan down-top in one piece until armholes. The yoke consists of top right front, top back and top left front. Work these pieces separately on base of body and then join them at shoulders. Work the sleeves in round beg. from armholes.
Rib 1/1 (in back-and-forth rows)
1st r.: (k1, p1) rep. until the end of r.
2nd r. and next r.: work the sts. as they appear
Rib 1/1 (in round): like rib 1/1 in back-and-forth rows.
Fabric Stitch (in back-and-forth rows)
1st r. (RS): using beige col., knit every st.
2nd r. (WS): using beige col., purl every st.
3rd and 4th r.: rep. 1st and 2nd r.
5th r. (RS): using grey col., * k2, slip 2 sts. with yarn in back *, rep. from * to * across the entire r.
6th r. (WS): using grey col., * slip 2 sts. with yarn in front, k2 *, rep. from * to * across the entire r.
From 7th to 10th r.: using beige col., rep. 1st and 2nd r. twice.
11th r. (RS): using grey col., * slip 2 sts. with yarn in back, k2 *, rep. from * to * across the entire r.
11th r. (RS): using grey col., * k2, slip 2 sts. with yarn in front *, rep. from * to * across the entire r.
Rep. from 1st to 12th r. reaching the specified length.
Fabric Stitch (in round)
Always work on RS.
From 1st to 4th round: using beige col., knit every st.
5th round: using grey col., * k2, slip 2 sts. with yarn in back *, rep. from * to * across the entire round.
6th round: using grey col., * p2, slip 2 sts. with yarn in back *, rep. from * to * across the entire round.
From 7th to 10th round: using beige col., knit every st.
11th round: using grey col., * slip 2 sts. with yarn in back, k2 *, rep. from * to * across the entire round.
12th round: using grey col., * slip 2 sts. with yarn in back, p2 *, rep. from * to * across the entire round.
Rep. from 1st to 12th round reaching the stated length.
Selvages: at beginning of every r., slip 1st st. through back loop (on right needle), at end of every r. knit through back loop.
Decrease: k2tog
Binding off: work 2 sts., insert the point of left needle through first of 2 sts. on right needle, pass first st. over second one, * work next st. (on right needle there are 2 sts.), insert the point of left needle through first of these 2 sts., then pass first st. over second one *, rep. from * to * binding off as many times as necessary.
RS = right side of word
WS = wrong side of work
SM = stitch marker
r. = row(s) À round(s)
st.(s) = stitch (es)
col. = color
k = knit
decr. = decrease
tog. = together
rep. = repeat
p = purl
foll. = follow
cont. = continue
rem. = remain(ing)
beg. = begin(ing)
k-wise = knit wise
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together
S (M-L)
Measures of cardigan shown by the picture (size S)
Chest circumference: 110 cm
Total height: 64 cm
Length of side (from undersleeve to lower band): 46 cm
Length of sleeves (from undersleeve to lower band): 53 cm
Circumference of sleeve head: 34 cm.
BODY (right front, back and left front)
Lower band
Using 5 mm points and beige col. yarn, cast-on 130 (146-162) sts. and work in back-and-forth r.
1st r. (RS): (k1, p1) across the entire r.
2nd r. (WS): work the sts. as they appear.
Rep. 1st and 2nd r. 7 times more.
Using size 5.5 mm knitting needles cont. in fabric st. as foll.:
1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
For armholes shaping, at 38 (39-40) cm from cast-on edge, work right front, back and left front separately.
TOP RIGHT FRONT [(36-40) sts.]
Using circular needles, work first 32 (36-40) sts. in fabric st. as foll.:
1st r. (RS): 1 selvage, fabric st. across the entire r., turn.
2nd r. (WS): bind off first 2 sts., fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage. [30 (34-38) sts.]
3rd r. (RS): 1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
4th r. (WS): 1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
Rep. 3rd and 4th r. 10 (12-13) times more.
1st r. (RS): bind off first 12 sts., fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage [18 (22-26) sts.]
2nd r. (WS): 1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
3rd r. (RS): 1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
4th r. (WS): 1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
Rep. 3rd and 4th r. 10 (11-13) times more.
Cont. working 2 r. in stocking st. with beige col. yarn.
Leave the rem. st.
TOP BACK [67 (74-82) m.]
For top back shaping, work on next 66 (74-82) sts. of body.
Begin on RS and cont. in fabric st. as foll.:
1st r. (RS): bind off 2 sts., fabric st. until end of r., turn. [64 sts.]
2nd r. (WS): bind off 2 sts., fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage. [62 sts.]
3rd r. (RS): 1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
4th r. (WS): 1 selvage, fabric st. until 1 st. to end, 1 selvage.
Rep. 3rd and 4th r. 22 (25-28) times more.
Complete back working 2 r. in stocking st. using col. yarn.
Leave the rem. sts.
TOP LEFT FRONT [32 (36-40) sts.]
Work rem. 32 (36-40) sts. reversing all shaping and beg. on RS.
At last, leave the rem. sts.
Using darning needle, join 18 (22-26) sts. of back and front (you have left for shoulders shaping) in graft st. For neckline shaping, leave central sts. of back (you'll pick-up them for collar).
Using beige col. yarn and 5.5 mm points with short cable, pick-up k-wise 56 (60-64) sts. around armhole, place one SM and close in round.
NB: across pattern, move the SM at beg. of every next round.
Cont. in fabric st. until armholes measures 47 cm in tot. heigh.
Knit 1 round using beige col. yarn.
Round with decreases: always using beige col. yarn, knit decr. 16 (20-22) sts. uniformly. [40 (42-44) m.]
NB: decrease: k2tog
Lower band
Using 5 mm points, work 14 rounds rib 1/1.
At last bind off all sts.
Work second sleeve like first one.
Band of right front
Using 5 mm points and beige col. yarn, pick-up 105 (111-117) sts. along right front edge of cardigan and work 18 r. rib 1/1; at the same time, at 9th r., shape 3 buttonholes at steady distance. At last, bind off all sts.
NB: shape the buttonhole according to measure of buttons. Across 9th r. (RS), at the point where you want shape the buttonhole, bind off 2 or 3 sts., then across next r., in correspondence of 2 or 3 bound off sts., cast-on 2 or 3 sts. You have shaped your buttonholes.
Band of left front
Using 5 mm points and beige col. yarn, pick-up 105 (111-109) sts. along front left edge of cardigan and work 18 r. rib 1/1. At last, bind off all sts.
Using 5 mm points and beige col. yarn, pick-up 105 (107-117) sts. around neckline edge and work 14 r. rib 1/1. Across 7th r., on right side, shape one buttonhole lined up with other 3 buttonholes of right front band. At last bind off all sts.
Hide the ends. Sew the buttons on left front band, opposite the buttonholes. Block the garment according to specified measures.