YARN = (100% merino wool, 25 grams), as foll.: 5 (6-7-8-9) balls col. 6 (main color); 1 (2-2-3-3) balls col. 8; 3 (4-4-5-5) balls col. 9 SOFT CARDED MERINO by LAINES DU NORD.
CIRCULAR NEEDLES = size 5.5 mm sizes
OTHERS = darning needle, stitch marker, pins, scissors, tape measure.
15 sts. x 20 r. in stocking st. = 10 x 10 cm
RS = right side of work
WR = wrong side of work
SM = stitch marker
r. = round(s)
st.(s) = stitch (es)
incr. = increase
col. = color
k = knit
rep. = repeat
p = purl
tog. = together
beg. = begin(ing)
SMb = stitch marker of the beginning of the round
Cont. = continue
Work the sweater using the yarn of 2 balls of specified colors, as they were a single yarn (= double yarn).
Work the body of sweater in rounds from down to top, leaving the sleeve openings (armholes).
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
Measures referred to the sample.
A: 22 (23-24-25-26) cm
B: 40 (42-44-46-48) cm
C: 15 (16-17-18-19) cm
D: 45 (49-53-57-61) cm
E: 60 (65-70-75-80) cm
Stocking stitch in round: knit every r., always on RS.
Rib 2/2 in round:
1st r. and next r. (RS): (k1, p1) across the entire r.
2nd r. and next r.: (k2, p2) rep. across the entire round.
Make 1: work the yarn between right and left needle. Using right needle lift the yarn then, using left needle, pick-up and twist it.
Lower rib band.
Using col. 8 and col. 6 tog. and circular needles, cast-on 72 (80-88-96-104) sts. and close in round. Place one SMb and move it upwards across the pattern.
From 1st to 8th round: (k2, p2) rep. until SMb, move the SM.
Use double yarn col. 8.
9th round: knit until SM, move SM.
10th round: purl until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 6.
11th round: rep. 9th round.
12th round: (k4, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(90 (100-110-120-130) sts.]
13th round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
14th round: rep. 9th round.
15th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9 e col. 6.
16th and 17th rounds: rep. 9th round.
18th round: (k5, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(108 (120-132-144-156) sts.]
19th e 20th round: rep. 9th round.
21st round: (k6, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(126 (140-154-168-182) sts.]
22nd and 23rd round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
24th round: rep. 9th round.
25th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
26th and 27th round: rep. 9th round.
28th round: (k7, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(144 (160-176-192-208) sts.]
29th round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
30th round: rep. 9th round.
31st round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
32nd round: rep. 9th round.
33rd round: (k8, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(162 (180-198-216-234) sts.]
Use double yarn col. 6.
34th round: rep. 9th round.
35th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
36th round: rep. 9th round.
37th round: (k9, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(180 (200-220-240-260) sts.]
Use double yarn col. 6.
38th round: rep. 9th round.
39th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
40th e 41st round: rep. 9th round.
42nd round: (k10, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(198 (220-242-264-286) sts.]
43rd round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
44th round: rep. 9th round.
45th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9 and col. 6.
From 46th to 53rd round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
54th round: rep. 9th round.
55th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
From 56th to 60th round: rep. 9th round.
For yoke and armholes shaping, across next r., divide the panel, moving the stated sts. onto a cable needle of a waste-thread. Move the SMb to the center of 1st armhole.
Division round: k29 (33-37-40-43), leave 40 (44-48-52-56) sts., cast-on 3 (3-3-3-3) sts., place SM, cast-on 2 (3-2-3-2) sts., k59 (66-73-80-87), leave 40 (44-48-52-56) sts., cast-on 5 (6-5-6-5) sts., knit until SMb, move SM.
Top of sweater and yoke
Use double yarn col. 6 and knit 45 rounds.
Use double yarn col. 9.
Restart rounds count.
Round 1A: knit until SM, move SM.
Round 2A: purl until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 9 and col. 6.
Rounds from 3A to 6A: rep. round 1A.
Use double yarn col. 9.
Round 7A: rep. the round 1A.
Round 8A: rep. the round 2A.
Use double yarn col. 6.
Rounds from 9A to 11A: rep. round 1A.
Use double yarn col. 8.
Round 12A: rep. the round 1A.
Round 13A: rep. the round 2A.
Use double yarn col. 8 e col. 6.
Round 14A: rep. the round 1A.
Cont. rib 2/2.
Rounds from 15A to 22A: (k2, p2) rep. until SM, move SM.
Bind off the sts. as they appear.
Using double yarn 6 and working around one armhole edge, pick-up 4 sts., place SM, pick-up 4 sts., then move onto the circular needles the 40 (44-48-52-56) sts. you have left for first sleeve. [(48 (52-56-60-64) sts.
From 1st to 3rd round: knit until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 8.
4th round: knit until SM, move SM.
5th round: purl until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 8 and col. 6.
6th round: knit until M, move STS.
Rib 2/2 band
From 7th to 14th round: (k2, p2) rep. until SMb, move SM.
Bind off the sts. as they appear.
Work the second sleeve as given for first one.
Hide the ends on WR.
YARN = (100% merino wool, 25 grams), as foll.: 5 (6-7-8-9) balls col. 6 (main color); 1 (2-2-3-3) balls col. 8; 3 (4-4-5-5) balls col. 9 SOFT CARDED MERINO by LAINES DU NORD.
CIRCULAR NEEDLES = size 5.5 mm sizes
OTHERS = darning needle, stitch marker, pins, scissors, tape measure.
15 sts. x 20 r. in stocking st. = 10 x 10 cm
RS = right side of work
WR = wrong side of work
SM = stitch marker
r. = round(s)
st.(s) = stitch (es)
incr. = increase
col. = color
k = knit
rep. = repeat
p = purl
tog. = together
beg. = begin(ing)
SMb = stitch marker of the beginning of the round
Cont. = continue
Work the sweater using the yarn of 2 balls of specified colors, as they were a single yarn (= double yarn).
Work the body of sweater in rounds from down to top, leaving the sleeve openings (armholes).
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
Measures referred to the sample.
A: 22 (23-24-25-26) cm
B: 40 (42-44-46-48) cm
C: 15 (16-17-18-19) cm
D: 45 (49-53-57-61) cm
E: 60 (65-70-75-80) cm
Stocking stitch in round: knit every r., always on RS.
Rib 2/2 in round:
1st r. and next r. (RS): (k1, p1) across the entire r.
2nd r. and next r.: (k2, p2) rep. across the entire round.
Make 1: work the yarn between right and left needle. Using right needle lift the yarn then, using left needle, pick-up and twist it.
Lower rib band.
Using col. 8 and col. 6 tog. and circular needles, cast-on 72 (80-88-96-104) sts. and close in round. Place one SMb and move it upwards across the pattern.
From 1st to 8th round: (k2, p2) rep. until SMb, move the SM.
Use double yarn col. 8.
9th round: knit until SM, move SM.
10th round: purl until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 6.
11th round: rep. 9th round.
12th round: (k4, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(90 (100-110-120-130) sts.]
13th round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
14th round: rep. 9th round.
15th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9 e col. 6.
16th and 17th rounds: rep. 9th round.
18th round: (k5, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(108 (120-132-144-156) sts.]
19th e 20th round: rep. 9th round.
21st round: (k6, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(126 (140-154-168-182) sts.]
22nd and 23rd round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
24th round: rep. 9th round.
25th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
26th and 27th round: rep. 9th round.
28th round: (k7, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(144 (160-176-192-208) sts.]
29th round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
30th round: rep. 9th round.
31st round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
32nd round: rep. 9th round.
33rd round: (k8, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(162 (180-198-216-234) sts.]
Use double yarn col. 6.
34th round: rep. 9th round.
35th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
36th round: rep. 9th round.
37th round: (k9, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(180 (200-220-240-260) sts.]
Use double yarn col. 6.
38th round: rep. 9th round.
39th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
40th e 41st round: rep. 9th round.
42nd round: (k10, 1 incr.) rep. until SM, move SM. [(198 (220-242-264-286) sts.]
43rd round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
44th round: rep. 9th round.
45th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 9 and col. 6.
From 46th to 53rd round: rep. 9th round.
Use double yarn col. 9.
54th round: rep. 9th round.
55th round: rep. 10th round.
Use double yarn col. 6.
From 56th to 60th round: rep. 9th round.
For yoke and armholes shaping, across next r., divide the panel, moving the stated sts. onto a cable needle of a waste-thread. Move the SMb to the center of 1st armhole.
Division round: k29 (33-37-40-43), leave 40 (44-48-52-56) sts., cast-on 3 (3-3-3-3) sts., place SM, cast-on 2 (3-2-3-2) sts., k59 (66-73-80-87), leave 40 (44-48-52-56) sts., cast-on 5 (6-5-6-5) sts., knit until SMb, move SM.
Top of sweater and yoke
Use double yarn col. 6 and knit 45 rounds.
Use double yarn col. 9.
Restart rounds count.
Round 1A: knit until SM, move SM.
Round 2A: purl until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 9 and col. 6.
Rounds from 3A to 6A: rep. round 1A.
Use double yarn col. 9.
Round 7A: rep. the round 1A.
Round 8A: rep. the round 2A.
Use double yarn col. 6.
Rounds from 9A to 11A: rep. round 1A.
Use double yarn col. 8.
Round 12A: rep. the round 1A.
Round 13A: rep. the round 2A.
Use double yarn col. 8 e col. 6.
Round 14A: rep. the round 1A.
Cont. rib 2/2.
Rounds from 15A to 22A: (k2, p2) rep. until SM, move SM.
Bind off the sts. as they appear.
Using double yarn 6 and working around one armhole edge, pick-up 4 sts., place SM, pick-up 4 sts., then move onto the circular needles the 40 (44-48-52-56) sts. you have left for first sleeve. [(48 (52-56-60-64) sts.
From 1st to 3rd round: knit until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 8.
4th round: knit until SM, move SM.
5th round: purl until SM, move SM.
Use double yarn col. 8 and col. 6.
6th round: knit until M, move STS.
Rib 2/2 band
From 7th to 14th round: (k2, p2) rep. until SMb, move SM.
Bind off the sts. as they appear.
Work the second sleeve as given for first one.
Hide the ends on WR.