


YARN = 6 balls x col. 61 (yellow); 4 balls x col. 13 (fuchsia) TEDDY by LAINES DU NORD
YARN = 3 balls x col. 213 (light blue) FIRENZE
INTERCHANGEABLE CIRCULAR NEEDLES = 6 mm points, 10 mm points, 60 cm and 100 cm cable
OTHERS = darning needle, stitch marker, pins, scissors, tape measure, 4 buttons.


RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
SM = stitch marker
SMb = stitch marker of the beginning of the round
r. = row(s) / round(s)
st.(s) = stitch(es)
incr. = increase
col. = color
k = knit
fur st. = fur stitch
rep. = repeat
p = purl
foll. = follow
tog. = together


Work the body (right front, back and left front) using the circular needle in back-and-forth rows. Work the sleeves using the circular needles in round. Work the bomber top down increasing for raglans shaping.

Work all pieces of bomber using two yarns tog., as they were a single yarn (double thread).

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate


SIZE: 42


Rib 1/1 (in back-and-forth r.)
1st r.: (k1, p1) rep. until the end of r.
2nd r. and next r.: work the sts. as they appear.

Rib in round
1st round and next rounds: (k1, p1) rep. until the end of round.

1 fur stitch: k1 but don’t drop it, move yarn in front of work, wrap it around left thumb shaping one loop as you like, move yarn in back of work and knit again the st. on left needle, then drop it. Pass the second last st. of right needle over the last one.

Make 1 (front) (right) An increase: From the front lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop.

Make 1 (back) (left) An increase: From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit it.

Binding off: work 2 sts., insert the point of left needle through first of 2 sts. on right needle, pass first st. over second one, * work next st. (on right needle there are 2 sts.), insert the point of left needle through first of these 2 sts., then pass first st. over second one *, rep. from * to * binding off as many times as necessary.


Using circular needles with 6 mm points, 100 cm cable and double FIRENZE yarn, cast-on 48 sts. and work in back-and-forth rows.


From 1st to 6th r.: rib 1/1.


Use 10 mm points, fuchsia double TEDDY yarn and cont. in back-and-forth rows.

7th r. (RS): place 4 SM to mark the raglan increases.

K9 for right front, place the 1st SM, k6 for right sleeve, place the 2nd SM, k18 for back, place the 3rd SM, k6 for left sleeve, place the 4th SM, k9 for left front. [9-6-18-6-9]

8th r. (WS): purl all sts., moving the SM onto right needle as you work.

From next row work in fur stitch.

9th r. (RS): k1 in 1st st., 1 fur st. in 2nd st., k1 in 3rd st., 1 fur st. in 4th st., k1 in 5th st., 1 fur st. in 6th st., k1 in 7th st., now (you have reached the 8th st. that’s positioned 2 st. before the SM) make 1 right, knit 9th st. and last st. of right front, move the SM, k1, make 1 left, then 1 fur st. * (k1, 1 fur st.) until 2 st. before next SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * twice more, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row. [10-8-20-8-10]

10th r. (WS): purl all sts., moving the SM onto right needle as you work.

11th r. (RS): NB: to work the fur st. uniformly, invert the sequence of 9th r., that is (1 fur st., k1).

Knit 1st selvage, * (1 fur st., k1) until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st., k1) rep. until the end of r. [11-10-22-10-11]

12th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

13th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence * (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row. [12-13-24-13-12]

14th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

15th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [13-14-26-14-13]

16th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

17th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row. [14-16-28-16-14]

18th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

19th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [15-18-28-18-15]

20th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

21st r. (RS): (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r. Do not work the raglan increases close to SM. [15-18-28-18-15]

22nd r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

23rd r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [16-20-30-20-16]

24th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

25th r. (RS): rep. the 21st r. [16-20-30-20-16]

26th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

27th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence a, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [17-22-32-22-17]

28th r. (WS): rep. the 10th round.

Across next r., leave the stitches for sleeves and join 2 fronts with back at armholes.

29th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until SM, remove the SM, leave (on one cable or waste yarn) all st. from SM (you have just removed) to next SM, cast-on 4 sts. onto right needle for armhole shaping, knit 1st st. of back., taking care to tighten it; (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until next SM, remove the SM, leave (on one cable or waste yarn) all sts. from SM (you have just removed) to next SM, cast-on 4 sts. onto right needle for second armhole shaping, knit 1st st. of back., taking care to tighten it; (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row.

30th r. (WS): purl all sts., moving the SM onto right needle as you work.

31st r. (RS): knit 1st st. selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

32nd r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

33rd r. (RS): knit 1st st. selvage, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r.

34th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

35th r. (RS): using double yellow TEDDY yarn, knit 1st selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

36th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

37th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r.

38th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

39th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

40th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

41st r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r.

42nd r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

43rd r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

44th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

Lower band

Using 6 mm points and double FIRENZE yarn, work 8 r. rib 1/1.

Bind off all sts.

SLEEVE (x 2)

Using circular needles with 10 mm points, 60 cm cable and yellow double TEDDY yarn, work in round.

Move onto these circular needles the sts. of one sleeve.

1st r.: pick-up 5 st. of the armhole, place 1 SMb and work (k1, 1 fur st.) until SM.

NB: at the end of every r. move the SM upwards.

2nd r.: (1 fur st., k1) rep. until SM.

3rd r.: (k1 1 fur st.) rep. until SM.

4th r.: (1 fur st., k1) rep. until SM.

Dal 5th al 30th r.: rep. the 3rd and4th r.

Band (cuff)

From 31st to 36th r.: using 6 mm points and double FIRENZE yarn, work rib 1/1 in round.

Bind off all sts.

Work the second sleeve as given for first one.




YARN = 6 balls x col. 61 (yellow); 4 balls x col. 13 (fuchsia) TEDDY by LAINES DU NORD
YARN = 3 balls x col. 213 (light blue) FIRENZE
INTERCHANGEABLE CIRCULAR NEEDLES = 6 mm points, 10 mm points, 60 cm and 100 cm cable
OTHERS = darning needle, stitch marker, pins, scissors, tape measure, 4 buttons.


RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
SM = stitch marker
SMb = stitch marker of the beginning of the round
r. = row(s) / round(s)
st.(s) = stitch(es)
incr. = increase
col. = color
k = knit
fur st. = fur stitch
rep. = repeat
p = purl
foll. = follow
tog. = together


Work the body (right front, back and left front) using the circular needle in back-and-forth rows. Work the sleeves using the circular needles in round. Work the bomber top down increasing for raglans shaping.

Work all pieces of bomber using two yarns tog., as they were a single yarn (double thread).

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate


SIZE: 42


Rib 1/1 (in back-and-forth r.)
1st r.: (k1, p1) rep. until the end of r.
2nd r. and next r.: work the sts. as they appear.

Rib in round
1st round and next rounds: (k1, p1) rep. until the end of round.

1 fur stitch: k1 but don’t drop it, move yarn in front of work, wrap it around left thumb shaping one loop as you like, move yarn in back of work and knit again the st. on left needle, then drop it. Pass the second last st. of right needle over the last one.

Make 1 (front) (right) An increase: From the front lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop.

Make 1 (back) (left) An increase: From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit it.

Binding off: work 2 sts., insert the point of left needle through first of 2 sts. on right needle, pass first st. over second one, * work next st. (on right needle there are 2 sts.), insert the point of left needle through first of these 2 sts., then pass first st. over second one *, rep. from * to * binding off as many times as necessary.


Using circular needles with 6 mm points, 100 cm cable and double FIRENZE yarn, cast-on 48 sts. and work in back-and-forth rows.


From 1st to 6th r.: rib 1/1.


Use 10 mm points, fuchsia double TEDDY yarn and cont. in back-and-forth rows.

7th r. (RS): place 4 SM to mark the raglan increases.

K9 for right front, place the 1st SM, k6 for right sleeve, place the 2nd SM, k18 for back, place the 3rd SM, k6 for left sleeve, place the 4th SM, k9 for left front. [9-6-18-6-9]

8th r. (WS): purl all sts., moving the SM onto right needle as you work.

From next row work in fur stitch.

9th r. (RS): k1 in 1st st., 1 fur st. in 2nd st., k1 in 3rd st., 1 fur st. in 4th st., k1 in 5th st., 1 fur st. in 6th st., k1 in 7th st., now (you have reached the 8th st. that’s positioned 2 st. before the SM) make 1 right, knit 9th st. and last st. of right front, move the SM, k1, make 1 left, then 1 fur st. * (k1, 1 fur st.) until 2 st. before next SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * twice more, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row. [10-8-20-8-10]

10th r. (WS): purl all sts., moving the SM onto right needle as you work.

11th r. (RS): NB: to work the fur st. uniformly, invert the sequence of 9th r., that is (1 fur st., k1).

Knit 1st selvage, * (1 fur st., k1) until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st., k1) rep. until the end of r. [11-10-22-10-11]

12th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

13th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence * (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row. [12-13-24-13-12]

14th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

15th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [13-14-26-14-13]

16th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

17th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row. [14-16-28-16-14]

18th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

19th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [15-18-28-18-15]

20th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

21st r. (RS): (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r. Do not work the raglan increases close to SM. [15-18-28-18-15]

22nd r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

23rd r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [16-20-30-20-16]

24th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

25th r. (RS): rep. the 21st r. [16-20-30-20-16]

26th r. (WS): rep. the 10th r.

27th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence a, * (1 fur st., k1) rep. until 2 st. before the SM, make 1 right, k1, move the SM, k1, 1 make 1 left *, rep. from * to * 3 times more, (1 fur st. k1) rep. until the end of row. [17-22-32-22-17]

28th r. (WS): rep. the 10th round.

Across next r., leave the stitches for sleeves and join 2 fronts with back at armholes.

29th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, and alternate the inverted sequence, * (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until SM, remove the SM, leave (on one cable or waste yarn) all st. from SM (you have just removed) to next SM, cast-on 4 sts. onto right needle for armhole shaping, knit 1st st. of back., taking care to tighten it; (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until next SM, remove the SM, leave (on one cable or waste yarn) all sts. from SM (you have just removed) to next SM, cast-on 4 sts. onto right needle for second armhole shaping, knit 1st st. of back., taking care to tighten it; (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. until the end of row.

30th r. (WS): purl all sts., moving the SM onto right needle as you work.

31st r. (RS): knit 1st st. selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

32nd r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

33rd r. (RS): knit 1st st. selvage, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r.

34th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

35th r. (RS): using double yellow TEDDY yarn, knit 1st selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

36th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

37th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r.

38th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

39th r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

40th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

41st r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (k1, 1 fur st.) rep. across the entire r.

42nd r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

43rd r. (RS): knit 1st selvage, (1 fur st., k1) rep. across the entire r.

44th r. (WS): rep. the 30th r.

Lower band

Using 6 mm points and double FIRENZE yarn, work 8 r. rib 1/1.

Bind off all sts.

SLEEVE (x 2)

Using circular needles with 10 mm points, 60 cm cable and yellow double TEDDY yarn, work in round.

Move onto these circular needles the sts. of one sleeve.

1st r.: pick-up 5 st. of the armhole, place 1 SMb and work (k1, 1 fur st.) until SM.

NB: at the end of every r. move the SM upwards.

2nd r.: (1 fur st., k1) rep. until SM.

3rd r.: (k1 1 fur st.) rep. until SM.

4th r.: (1 fur st., k1) rep. until SM.

Dal 5th al 30th r.: rep. the 3rd and4th r.

Band (cuff)

From 31st to 36th r.: using 6 mm points and double FIRENZE yarn, work rib 1/1 in round.

Bind off all sts.

Work the second sleeve as given for first one.
