


YARN = NATURAL BAG by LAINES DU NORD as foll.: 130 grams x natural white col. n. 1; 110 grams x green col. n. 17
CROCHET-HOOK = size 4 mm orsuited to this yarn
OTHERS = darning needle with large eye, stitch marker, scissors, tape measure.


10 x 10 cm = 7 dc separated by 6 1-ch spaces in width and 5 rows in height, worked using size 4 mm crochet-hook.


RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
st. / es = stitch / es
ch = chain stitch
col. = color
tog. = together
sl st = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
rep. = repeat
foll. = follow / ing
beg. = begin / ing



Work the main part of the bag in one piece in rounds, beginning from center of the base.


Bag (flattened): 44 cm in height (from magic ring to one of 4 extremities of top band) and 38 cm in width.


Chain stitch, slip stitch, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet.



Using jute green yarn, shape a magic ring.

1st round: 3 ch (= 1st dc of every r.), 2 dc into the ring, (2 ch, 3 dc into the ring) 3 times; end with 1 ch and 1 sc into 3rd beg. ch. [4 3-dc-groups (included 3 beg. ch), 4 corner spaces]

From 2nd to 9th round: foll. the diagram 1, increasing the dc and 1-ch spaces along the sides gradually (thanks to the increases at 4 corners).

From 10th round, the increases at the corners have been offset by the decreases you have made in the middle of every side; so number of stitches and number of 1-ch spaces remains unchanged.

10th round: 3 ch and 1 dc in the last corner -pace of previous round, * 1 ch, skip 1 base st., (1 ch, skip 1 base ch, 1 dc in next dc) 6 times, 1 ch, skip 1 base ch, 2 dc tog. working 1st leg on next dc, skipping (1 ch, 1 dc, 1 ch) and working 2nd leg on next dc, (1 ch, skip 1 base ch, 1 dc in next dc) 7 times, 1 ch, skip 1 base dc, (2 dc, 2 ch, 2 dc) in next corner-space *, rep from * to * 3 times more, and working 1 ch and 1 sc into 3rd beg. ch instead of last (2 ch and 2 dc) in last corner-space.

From 11th to 21st round: foll. the diagram 1 and diagram 2 that shows the first of 4 sides of the bag (front, side, back, side), using natural white yarn at the end of 12nd round and ending the 21st round with 1 hdc into 3rd beg. ch. Do not cut the yarn.


1st round: 1 ch (never consider it like st.), 2 sc into the same corner-space, * 1 dc in each of next 2 sts., skip first 1-ch-space of the side of bag, 1 dc in next dc, (1 sc in next ch, 1 sc in next st.) 14 times, skip last 1-ch-space along the side of bag, 1 sc in each of next 2 dc, 2 sc in next corner -pace *, rep from * to * 3 times more, excluding last 2 corner-sc and closing with 1 sl st in 1st sc of the round.

Across next round work only on 37 sc of the front (red highlighted in diagram 2) and on 37 sc of back of the bag, shaping the base of 2 shoulder belt handles.

2nd round: 1 ch and 1 sc in 1st sc, 1 sc in each of next 36 sc of the front, 60 ch. (base of 1st shoulder belt), skip next 33 sc corresponding to first side of the bag, 1 sc on next 37 sc of the back, 60 ch. (base of 2nd shoulder belt), skip next 33 sc corresponding to second side of the bag; 1 sl st in 1st sc of the round.

3rd round: 1 ch and 1 sc in 1st sc, 1 sc in each sc of front and back, 1 sc in each ch of every 33-ch-group; 1 sl st in 1st sc of the round.

4th round: 1 ch and 1 sc in 1st sc, 1 sc in each sc of the round; 1 sl st in 1st sc of round. Cut and tie off the yarn.

Hide the ends.




YARN = NATURAL BAG by LAINES DU NORD as foll.: 130 grams x natural white col. n. 1; 110 grams x green col. n. 17
CROCHET-HOOK = size 4 mm orsuited to this yarn
OTHERS = darning needle with large eye, stitch marker, scissors, tape measure.


10 x 10 cm = 7 dc separated by 6 1-ch spaces in width and 5 rows in height, worked using size 4 mm crochet-hook.


RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
st. / es = stitch / es
ch = chain stitch
col. = color
tog. = together
sl st = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
rep. = repeat
foll. = follow / ing
beg. = begin / ing



Work the main part of the bag in one piece in rounds, beginning from center of the base.


Bag (flattened): 44 cm in height (from magic ring to one of 4 extremities of top band) and 38 cm in width.


Chain stitch, slip stitch, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet.



Using jute green yarn, shape a magic ring.

1st round: 3 ch (= 1st dc of every r.), 2 dc into the ring, (2 ch, 3 dc into the ring) 3 times; end with 1 ch and 1 sc into 3rd beg. ch. [4 3-dc-groups (included 3 beg. ch), 4 corner spaces]

From 2nd to 9th round: foll. the diagram 1, increasing the dc and 1-ch spaces along the sides gradually (thanks to the increases at 4 corners).

From 10th round, the increases at the corners have been offset by the decreases you have made in the middle of every side; so number of stitches and number of 1-ch spaces remains unchanged.

10th round: 3 ch and 1 dc in the last corner -pace of previous round, * 1 ch, skip 1 base st., (1 ch, skip 1 base ch, 1 dc in next dc) 6 times, 1 ch, skip 1 base ch, 2 dc tog. working 1st leg on next dc, skipping (1 ch, 1 dc, 1 ch) and working 2nd leg on next dc, (1 ch, skip 1 base ch, 1 dc in next dc) 7 times, 1 ch, skip 1 base dc, (2 dc, 2 ch, 2 dc) in next corner-space *, rep from * to * 3 times more, and working 1 ch and 1 sc into 3rd beg. ch instead of last (2 ch and 2 dc) in last corner-space.

From 11th to 21st round: foll. the diagram 1 and diagram 2 that shows the first of 4 sides of the bag (front, side, back, side), using natural white yarn at the end of 12nd round and ending the 21st round with 1 hdc into 3rd beg. ch. Do not cut the yarn.


1st round: 1 ch (never consider it like st.), 2 sc into the same corner-space, * 1 dc in each of next 2 sts., skip first 1-ch-space of the side of bag, 1 dc in next dc, (1 sc in next ch, 1 sc in next st.) 14 times, skip last 1-ch-space along the side of bag, 1 sc in each of next 2 dc, 2 sc in next corner -pace *, rep from * to * 3 times more, excluding last 2 corner-sc and closing with 1 sl st in 1st sc of the round.

Across next round work only on 37 sc of the front (red highlighted in diagram 2) and on 37 sc of back of the bag, shaping the base of 2 shoulder belt handles.

2nd round: 1 ch and 1 sc in 1st sc, 1 sc in each of next 36 sc of the front, 60 ch. (base of 1st shoulder belt), skip next 33 sc corresponding to first side of the bag, 1 sc on next 37 sc of the back, 60 ch. (base of 2nd shoulder belt), skip next 33 sc corresponding to second side of the bag; 1 sl st in 1st sc of the round.

3rd round: 1 ch and 1 sc in 1st sc, 1 sc in each sc of front and back, 1 sc in each ch of every 33-ch-group; 1 sl st in 1st sc of the round.

4th round: 1 ch and 1 sc in 1st sc, 1 sc in each sc of the round; 1 sl st in 1st sc of round. Cut and tie off the yarn.

Hide the ends.
