Vertical striped cape jacket
Yarn: Ciliegia color 2 and 3 grams 400 each.
Irons: n 4.5
Stockinette stitch
m = stitch (e);
MP = point mark;
pMP = pass MP
LD = right side of the work
LR = wrong side of the piece
dr = straight;
r = reverse;
viv = edge;
2ins = 2 sts together knit
3ins = 3 sts together knit
acc = simple overlap: slip a stitch without knitting it, 1 dr, overlap the passed stitch over that worked.
get = one toss
rip ** =
repeat from * to *
BACK: with F. 4,5 and color 2, opp. m. 160, work. knit on 138 M, and purl on the last 22 m. (the latter are worked up to the end of the cloth with color 2 and reverse stitch) then continue. with col 2 for 6 cm, col 3 for 20 cm, col 2 for 20 cm, col 3 for 12 cm, col 2 for 10 cm.
Contemp. to the right of the work, increased. 1 m. every 2 rows At 12 cm and 70 cm wide, cont. without aum. per cm 22, then (work right) dimin. 1 st every 2 rows At 46 cm intertwining Fold inside 5 cm of the bottom edge and fix with underlay. Resume. on the sides of the cloth (starting from the bottom) m 80, work. to rov. with col. 3 per cm 10. Fold inside and fix.
FRONT RIGHT: with f 4.5 col. 2, adv. m. 66 and with col. 3 adv. m 22 (knit the 66 sts, purl the rim 22 sts) cont. with col. 2 for 20 cm, col. 3 for 9 cm, contemp. right work aum. 1m every 4-6 rows at 17 cm dec. for the shoulder like the back. Folded 5 cm. bottom edge and fasten. Resume from the side m 80 lav. to rov. per cm 10. Fold. and fix inside.
LEFT FRONT: work in mirror, working cm 2o with col. 3 and cm 9 with col. 2. After folding the bottom, resume. 80 m on the side and work. 10 cm purl. with col. 2. Fold and fix inside.
SLEEVE: with f 4,5, col. 3, adv. m 39, cont. to m. shaved, after 5 cm. increased work right, 1 st every 4 rows at 21 cm in total, cont. with color 2, decreasing, on the right work, 1m every 4 rows, finish with 5 cm without dec.
OPENING EDGE: on the front left and back neck, wash. with col 2, a 5 cm wide border. On the front right wash the edge with col.3.
PACKAGING: fit the sleeves and join the underarms. Leave the parts in col. 3 of the sides free.