CIRCULAR NEEDLE = size 2.75 mm and 3 mm points and 30 cm thin and flexible cable.
OTHERS = darning needle, pins, scissors, stitch marker.
10 x 10 cm = 30 m. and 40 r. in stocking st. using size 2.75 needles
RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
r. = row / s
st. / es = stitch / es
k = knit
yo = yarn over
tog. = together
rep. = repeat
foll. = follow
cont. = continue / ing
SKILL LEVEL: Experienced
Start from point and cont. until rib 1/1 band of top part. To ease the description, we call “needle” every point of circular needle.
Suited to size 39/40
Stocking stitch, stocking stitch with short rows (German stocking stitch).
Point cast-on
Use needles with size 2.75 points.
Shape a little loop and place it on one needle, then pair 2 needles placing one over the other, keeping the needle with the loop underneath.
Using the tail, cast-on 12 sts. on both needles: wrap yarn 12 times (from outside to inside) around 2 needles. At last, using index finger block last wrapping and pull off (forwards) the underlying needle gently (the sts. are on cable), then use this needle and working yarn to knit 12 sts. into the loops of above needle; work these sts. loosely to make the sliding easier. Pull the cable gently to level 2 needles and place the needle with k12 under the needle with 12 loops you must work.
Pull off the needle forwards (leaving k12 on cable) and use it to knit 12 sts. on above needle. Pair 2 needles again: k12 on one needle and k12 on the other one.
Across next r. start the sides increases. Always check that working yarn is on underlying needle.
2nd round: pull off the underlying needle forwards and start to work the sts. of above needle. Always work the increases after first st. and before last st., then k1, yo, k10, yo, k1. Pull the cable to level the needles, rotate them so that the worked sts. and working yarn stay under the other needle, then pull off the underlying needle forwards and k1, yo, k10, yo, k1 on above needle. [=28 sts.]
3rd round: knit the sts. of both needles and knit through the back loop the 4 yo.
From 4th to 15th round: work on 2 needles like 2nd and 3rd round, so that at the end of 15th round there are 52 sts. (= 4 increases every 2 rounds 6 times).
Back and sole of the sock
Keeping the needle with working yarn behind the other needle, pair the sts., pull off the back needle and start to work the sts. on front needle.
From 16th to 70th round (13 cm): work in stocking stitch same number of sts. (26 sts. on each needle).
Across next round, to enlarge the main part of sock (before working the heel) start the increases as foll.:
71st round: k26 on 1st needle and on 2nd needle k1, yo, k24, yo k1 [=54 m.]
72nd round: knit all sts. and knit through the back loop 2 yo.
73rd round: k26 on 1st needle and on 2nd needle k1, yo, k1 until last st., then yo and k1 into last st.
74th round: knit all sts. and knit through the back loop 2 yo.
From 75th to 94th round: rep. 73rd and 74th round 9 times. [at the end of 74th round, there are 26 sts. on 1st needle and 52 sts. on 2nd needle]
26 sts. for back of sock, 52 sts. for sides and sole of sock. For hell shaping cont. working central 26 sts. of group consisting of 52 sts. and leave the remaining sts. Place the SM in 1st and 26th st. of the heel.
Work 26 sts. of the heel in German stocking st. with short needles for 14 rows, so that remains 12 sts. like at beginning of the point. Change the points and use size 3 mm points and work 26 sts. in stocking st. for 14 rows, keeping in mind that across 1st row, you must work on 7 sts. of first side with short needles, on remaining 12 sts. of the heel and 7 sts. of second side with short needles (= 26 sts.).
Cont. working 14 rows on these 26 sts. and at beginning and end of every r. join with edge stitches you have left at the end of 94th round: insert the needle into first (or last) st. of the heel, then into 1st (or last) st. you have left at 94th round, then work 2 sts. together (joining).
After joining the side edges of the heel with first and last 13 sts. you have left at 94th round, change the points and use size 2.75 mm points and restart working in rounds.
Work in stocking st. on 52 sts. (26 sts. on 1st needle and 26 sts. on 2nd needle) running out one ball or up to mid-leg (between ankle and knee).
At last bind off all sts., cut the yarn leaving a long tail for sewing.
Using the second ball, work the second sock as given for first one.
Fold top edge of each sock on WS (1.5 cm approx.) and using darning needle and closing yarn, sew it with small invisible stitches.
Hide the ends on WS.
CIRCULAR NEEDLE = size 2.75 mm and 3 mm points and 30 cm thin and flexible cable.
OTHERS = darning needle, pins, scissors, stitch marker.
10 x 10 cm = 30 m. and 40 r. in stocking st. using size 2.75 needles
RS = right side of work
WS = wrong side of work
r. = row / s
st. / es = stitch / es
k = knit
yo = yarn over
tog. = together
rep. = repeat
foll. = follow
cont. = continue / ing
SKILL LEVEL: Experienced
Start from point and cont. until rib 1/1 band of top part. To ease the description, we call “needle” every point of circular needle.
Suited to size 39/40
Stocking stitch, stocking stitch with short rows (German stocking stitch).
Point cast-on
Use needles with size 2.75 points.
Shape a little loop and place it on one needle, then pair 2 needles placing one over the other, keeping the needle with the loop underneath.
Using the tail, cast-on 12 sts. on both needles: wrap yarn 12 times (from outside to inside) around 2 needles. At last, using index finger block last wrapping and pull off (forwards) the underlying needle gently (the sts. are on cable), then use this needle and working yarn to knit 12 sts. into the loops of above needle; work these sts. loosely to make the sliding easier. Pull the cable gently to level 2 needles and place the needle with k12 under the needle with 12 loops you must work.
Pull off the needle forwards (leaving k12 on cable) and use it to knit 12 sts. on above needle. Pair 2 needles again: k12 on one needle and k12 on the other one.
Across next r. start the sides increases. Always check that working yarn is on underlying needle.
2nd round: pull off the underlying needle forwards and start to work the sts. of above needle. Always work the increases after first st. and before last st., then k1, yo, k10, yo, k1. Pull the cable to level the needles, rotate them so that the worked sts. and working yarn stay under the other needle, then pull off the underlying needle forwards and k1, yo, k10, yo, k1 on above needle. [=28 sts.]
3rd round: knit the sts. of both needles and knit through the back loop the 4 yo.
From 4th to 15th round: work on 2 needles like 2nd and 3rd round, so that at the end of 15th round there are 52 sts. (= 4 increases every 2 rounds 6 times).
Back and sole of the sock
Keeping the needle with working yarn behind the other needle, pair the sts., pull off the back needle and start to work the sts. on front needle.
From 16th to 70th round (13 cm): work in stocking stitch same number of sts. (26 sts. on each needle).
Across next round, to enlarge the main part of sock (before working the heel) start the increases as foll.:
71st round: k26 on 1st needle and on 2nd needle k1, yo, k24, yo k1 [=54 m.]
72nd round: knit all sts. and knit through the back loop 2 yo.
73rd round: k26 on 1st needle and on 2nd needle k1, yo, k1 until last st., then yo and k1 into last st.
74th round: knit all sts. and knit through the back loop 2 yo.
From 75th to 94th round: rep. 73rd and 74th round 9 times. [at the end of 74th round, there are 26 sts. on 1st needle and 52 sts. on 2nd needle]
26 sts. for back of sock, 52 sts. for sides and sole of sock. For hell shaping cont. working central 26 sts. of group consisting of 52 sts. and leave the remaining sts. Place the SM in 1st and 26th st. of the heel.
Work 26 sts. of the heel in German stocking st. with short needles for 14 rows, so that remains 12 sts. like at beginning of the point. Change the points and use size 3 mm points and work 26 sts. in stocking st. for 14 rows, keeping in mind that across 1st row, you must work on 7 sts. of first side with short needles, on remaining 12 sts. of the heel and 7 sts. of second side with short needles (= 26 sts.).
Cont. working 14 rows on these 26 sts. and at beginning and end of every r. join with edge stitches you have left at the end of 94th round: insert the needle into first (or last) st. of the heel, then into 1st (or last) st. you have left at 94th round, then work 2 sts. together (joining).
After joining the side edges of the heel with first and last 13 sts. you have left at 94th round, change the points and use size 2.75 mm points and restart working in rounds.
Work in stocking st. on 52 sts. (26 sts. on 1st needle and 26 sts. on 2nd needle) running out one ball or up to mid-leg (between ankle and knee).
At last bind off all sts., cut the yarn leaving a long tail for sewing.
Using the second ball, work the second sock as given for first one.
Fold top edge of each sock on WS (1.5 cm approx.) and using darning needle and closing yarn, sew it with small invisible stitches.
Hide the ends on WS.