YARN = 3 balls x 100 grams of col. 25 (yellow) NATURA by LAINES DU NORD,
CIRCULAR NEEDLES = size 3.5 mm points and 80 cm cable
CIRCULAR NEEDLES = size 3 mm short points with 40 cm cable.
OTHERS = 1 size 3.5 mm knitting needle (to bind off the shoulders), cable needle, darning needle, pins, stitch marker, row counter, scissors, tape measure.


SKILL LEVEL: Experienced

Work from bottom to top.

Using the circular needles, work the chest (front and back) in round, from lower band until the armholes, then, for top back and front, continue in back-and-forth rows. At last, join the shoulders of 2 pieces, shaping the armholes.

Using the crochet-hook, work the sleeves, around the armholes.

Number before the bracket refers to size S (see the picture); the numbers inside the brackets refer to sizes L-XL.

Rib 1/1 in rounds: (k1, p1) rep. across the entire r. and every next r., lining up the ribs.

Stocking stitch in round: always work on RS.Knit every round.

Stocking stitch in back-and-forth rows: knit across r. on RS; purl across r. on WS.

Rhombus stitch: according to pattern and diagram.

ssk-b: slip 1 stitch k-wise, slip next stitch k-wise, move these 2 sts. onto left needle and knit them together through back loop.

s2kp-r (slip 2 tog., knit, pass slipped sts over À it shapes central rib): slip 2 sts. tog. k-wise on right needle, knit next stitch, pass 2 slipped sts. over knitted st.

3 needles bind off: use this technique for shoulders stitches binding off. Distribute the sts. of back and front shoulder over two different knitting needles (base needles), put them beside (RS against RS) and, using a third knitting needle (working needle), insert its point in 1st st. of front needle and in 1st st. of back needle, then knit them together, (insert the working needle in next st. of both needles and k2tog, pass 1st worked st. over the 2nd st. of working needle); rep. until you have bound off all sts.

Bind off: at first work 2 sts. then, * insert the point of left needle in first of these 2 sts., pass 1st st. over 2nd st. *, work one st. more and rep. from * to *. Continue until you have bound off the stated sts. When you bind off the rib 1/1 sts., work the sts. as they appear.

Graft stitch (to bind off using darning needle)

RS = right side of work
SM = stitch marker
SM-b = round beginning stitch marker
st. / es = stitch / es
r. = row / s
incr. = increase / ing
col. = color
k = knit
yo = yarn over
tog. = together
rep. = repeat / ing
p = purl
foll. = follow / ing

SIZE: S (M; L)



Using circular needles with size 3.5 mm points and 80 cm cable, with scrap yarn, cast-on 172 (184; 196) sts. and close in ring, placing 1 SM-b. Cut the yarn.

Always work on RS. Move the SM-b upwards, as you work.

Using Natura yarn, work 1 round in knit st. and 2 rounds as foll.:

1st round: (k1, slip 1 st. p-wise) rep. until the end of round.

2nd round: (slip 1 st. k-wise, p1) rep. until the end of round.

3rd round: * k1, slip next st. onto a cable needle and let it hang in back of work, k1, purl slipped st., p1 *, rep from * to * until SM-b. Move the SM-b.

Cont. working 14 rounds rib 2/2 and, across last round, place 1 SM after 98 sts. (to mark the side of vest).

Cont. in rhombus st. according to the diagram and working as foll.:

1st round: k2tog, yo, k4, * (k2tog, yo, k4) rep. until 2 sts. before the SM, k2tog, yo, move the SM, * k2tog, yo, k4 *, rep. from * to * until SM-b, move the SM-b.

2nd round: * p1 in each st. until 1 st. before the SM, k1 *, rep. from * to * until SM-b, move the SM-B.

3rd round: k2, yo, 1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog, (yo, k1, yo, 1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog) rep. until 1 st. before the SM, yo, k1, move the SM, k2, yo, 1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog, (yo, k1, yo, 1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog) rep. until 1 st. before the SM-b, yo, k1.Move the SM-b.

4th round: * p1 in each st. until 2 sts. before the SM, k2 *, rep. from * to * until SM-b, move the SM-b.

5th round: k3, yo, 1 s2kp-r, yo, * (k3, yo, 1 s2kp-r, yo) rep. until 2 sts. before the SM, k2, move the SM, *, k3, yo, s2kp-r, yo *, rep. from * to * until SM-b, move the SM-B.

6th round: * p1 in each st. until 3 sts. before the SM, k3 *, rep. from * to * until SM-b.

7th round: k3, k2tog, yo, k1, (k3, k2tog, yo, k1) rep. until 2 sts. before the SM, k2, move the SM, k3, k2tog, yo, k1, (k3, k2tog, yo, k1) until 2 sts. before the SM-b, k2, move the SM-b.

8th round: * p1 in each st. until 4 sts. before the SM, k4 *, rep. from * to * until SM-b, move the SM-b.

9th round: k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, (1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo) rep. until 9 sts. before the SM, 1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog, yo, k4, move the SM, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, (1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo) rep. until 9 sts. before the SM-b, 1 ssk-b, k1, k2tog, yo, k4, move the SM-b.

10th round: * p1 in each st. until 5 sts. before the SM, k5 *, rep. from * to * until SM-b.

11th round: k1, k2tog, yo, k3, (yo, 1 S2kp-r, yo, k3) rep. until 2 sts. before the SM, k2tog, move the SM, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, (yo, 1 S2kp-r, yo, k3) rep. until 2 sts. before the SM-b, k2tog, move the SM-b.

12th round: * p1 in each st. until 6 sts. before the SM, k6. *, rep. from * to * until SM-b, move the SM-B.

Cont. foll. the diagram until round 72 (84; 96), incr. every 2 rounds the sts. in stocking st. at the left of motifs, before SM and before SM-b.

Work 2 top pieces separately: 86 (92; 98) sts. for back and 86 (92; 98) sts. for front.

Use the circular needles in back-and-forth rows.


1st r. size S (M; L): k2tog, yo, k4, * (k2tog., yo, k4) until 38 (44; 50) sts. before the end of r., k2tog, yo, k36 (42; 48).

2nd r. size S (M; L): p37 (43; 49), knit until the end of r.

For all sizes: cont. following the pattern (stocking st. and rhombus st.) until the row 72 (84; 96). Leave 20 (23; 26) sts. for first shoulder, 46 sts. for neckline and 20 (23-26) sts. for second shoulder.


Work as given for back, until the end of 48th r. (for all sizes) then, for neckline shaping, bind off 14 central sts. and cont. working two pieces separately.

Always following the pattern, bind off the sts. on one side of neckline as foll.: bind off 4 sts. twice, 3 sts. once, 2 sts. twice and 1 st. once. Cont. working the rem. sts. until row 72 (84; 96), then leave 20 (23-26) rem. sts. for the shoulder.

Rep. on the other side of neckline, reversing all shaping.


Using 3 needles bind off, join the shoulders.

Using size 3 mm circular needles, pick-up 62 (74; 86) sts. around front neckline and 50 sts. around back neckline, close in ring shape and work as foll.:

From 1st to 8th round: rib 2/2.

9th round: * k1, leave next st. onto a cable needle and let it hang in front of work, p1, knit the st. you have left, p1 *, rep. from * to * until the end of round.

10th round: (k1, slip 1 st. p-wise) rep. until the end of round.

10th round: (slip 1 st. k-wise, p1) rep. until the end of round.

Bind off the sts. in graft st.


Remove the scrap yarn at lower edge of chest gently.

Armholes band: using size 3 mm circular needles, pick-up 100 sts. around one armhole, close in ring shape and work as foll.:

From 1st to 8th round: rib 2/2.

9th round: * k1, leave next st. onto a cable needle and let it hang in front of work, p1, knit the st. you have left, p1 *, rep from * to * until the end of round.

10th round: (k1, slip 1 st. p-wise) rep. until the end of round.

10th round: (slip 1 st. k-wise, p1) rep. until the end of round.

Bind off the sts. in graft st.

Hide the ends on WS. Wet and block the garment.

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